Mücke games

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Mücke Spiele was established in 2000. Until 2008, only games from Harald Mücke were published. The most successful games in this period were “Laß die Kirche ins Dorf”' and “Weihnachtspinguine”, which are both still available. “Laß die Kirche ins Dorf” was in the final round of the Hippodice game club competition 2002. Small edition games have also been published that could not be published in larger volumes due to unusual materials, e.g. “Die Landreform” (using a cork game board, yarn and thumbtacks).

By 2008, Mücke Spiele changed to a full publishing unit by producing a first game from an external author. “Schwarzes Gold” is one of the winning titles of a game author`s competition arranged by www.spielmaterial.de, created by Bernhard Weber, a well-known auhtor in the gaming industry. Now the number of games published at Mücke Spiele has risen to 15 titles. See news under Mücke Spiele

If you have created a game and wish to present us your idea, you can do so by sending us a game description, photos and the rulebook to: info@muecke-spiele.de.